Don't miss the Minerva Park Community Garage Sale this weekend! We have over 50 registered sellers throughout the village!

While supplies last, there will be copies of this map available at 2829 Minerva Lake Rd. or you can click HERE to find our online interactive community garage sale map!

September 22, 5-7pm (Preview Day. Participation optional.)
September 23, 9am - 3pm
September 24, 11am-3pm (Participation optional. Can be used as a Rain Date if needed)
Please note: not all sellers will be participating on every advertised date

Food Vendors will be located in the parking lot of the Minerva Park Community Building at: 2829 Minerva Lake Rd.
Chickadee Coffee and Tea 9-11 am
Ono Turo Turo 11- 3pm
We hope you enjoy shopping at
The Minerva Park Community Garage Sale 2023!
