We are looking forward to the Minerva Park Children’s Holiday Party!

Time & Location
December 9, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Minerva Park Municipal Building
2829 Minerva Lake Rd.
Columbus, OH 43231, USA
This year’s event will be held at the Minerva Park Municipal Building.
There will be crafts, games, snacks and loads of fun for all!
The event is open to all Minerva Park resident children 12 and under and is sponsored by the MPCA.
Registration Deadline 12/3/23

Children attending the event must be accompanied by an adult.
Registration is for children only, parents and guardians do not need to register.
Register you kids HERE!
Volunteers and donations make our Village Children's events possible!

We are looking for volunteers on the day of the event for setup, clean up, crafting and playing some fun games with the kids. We are also asking for food and drink donations for the party! The MPCA is a proud sponsor of our Village Children's Events, but we do also appreciate donations from the community!
You can sign up to volunteer through your time or a donation.
Register HERE to volunteer!

Your MPCA membership helps us to host events like this for the children in our Village! If you and your kids enjoy these events, we ask that you would consider becoming a Minerva Park Community Association Member or renewing today!