Here's what's going on in and around Minerva Park this week.
Wednesday, May 11
MPCA Committee Meeting - 7pm-8pm at the Community Building. Come hear what is coming up and plan for the future of MPCA!
Friday, May 13
Schmidt's Food Truck - 4pm-7pm at the Community Building. A Columbus institution - taking 130 years of German hospitality on the road! Their menu can be found here.
Saturday, May 14
Spring Household Hazardous Waste Disposal - 8am-2pm at Westerville Public Works Department (350 Park Meadow Rd, Westerville, OH 43081). Safely dispose of toxic, flammable, corrosive, or electronic materials - courtesy of the City of Westerville. A full list of what can be disposed of can be found here.
Sunday, May 15
Cruise In for Operation Christmas Child - 12p-3p at Columbus First FWB Church (2580 Jordan Road). Car show, food, and more! Information can be found here.